Communications Director Communications Director

We need your help!

The hours and hours of planning are coming to fruition! On Tuesday, February 14 at 7:00pm our final approval goes in front of the Ramsey City Council. We have had approval through all sub committees and are on the last hurdle. Please join us on Tuesday at the Ramsey Municipal Building to show your support for the dome project. If you are not able to attend, please reach out via email to the Ramsey City Council Members to express your support of the project.

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Communications Director Communications Director

It’s starting to feel real!

We received the first 3D renderings of the dome this week. It’s very surreal to see the vision coming to life. We are currently looking to sell a portion of the land we purchased and securing naming rights to the dome. Once one of these things happen, we will be set to break ground in the spring. There is so much behind the scenes work happening that we don’t get to see, that having renderings really helps us to bring the vision to reality!

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Communications Director Communications Director

We are land owners!

This week we took the largest leap our association has ever taken to expand our operations and bring more opportunities to more kids. We closed on the land for our future home Wednesday, August 3rd. 

Over the last eight months, we have taken many steps to ensure we were purchasing a piece of land that was viable for our project.   This involved many conversations with a variety of stakeholder groups, environmental studies, and work with the city of Ramsey.  

Throughout the process this far, we have been fairly quiet about our progress on the project due to some sensitivity in negotiations with partners, financing, and our friends with the city. With the most vital component of our project, the land closing completed we will be providing regular updates as things solidify and final plans become crystal clear. 

Our next steps include continued conversations with stakeholder groups, final dome design, and beginning construction!  While we don’t have firm timelines on these steps, we have a number of very interested partners that are motivated to move as quickly as we are. We cannot wait to hit the ground running and bring the kids in our community world-class facilities to help them grow their game in the sports they love. 

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Communications Director Communications Director

And so it begins…

It all begins with an idea.

As we launch this website, we are excited to share the journey with you all. This project has been a vision of ARAA for several years, and the fact that we can start seeing tangible evidence is incredible. We have officially signed a purchase agreement for land in downtown Ramsey and are working with a design firm on dome plans and land layout. We are extremely grateful to our community, the city of Ramsey, and the volunteers who have worked so hard to make this project a reality. While we know there will be some bumps along the road, we can all hope to be holding indoor practices in the dome in late 2022. Follow the blog for our latest updates to the project.

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